Thursday, December 18, 2008


“80% of male multimillionaires having extramarital affairs plan to cut back on lovers’ gifts, says Prince and Associates”

This was a quote in my January issue of Money magazine. I just cracked up laughing when I read it. It really caused me to wonder who this magazine is truly written for. In all honesty, who is that statistic really going to help? I mean it is great for a laugh but is it real financial advice? Not so much. Is it even a real financial trend? I guess it is if you are an affair having multimillionaire. What’s the point? Maybe the author thought it was as funny as I do.

I am having a really hard time focusing on anything but getting on a plane on Saturday. Not only do I get to go home to Minneapolis for seven days but I get to come back home to Chicago and not have to be back to work for nine more. Oh the joys of working in higher ed.


Anonymous said...

Geez... when I worked in higher ed, we didn't get any extra time off during the holidays! Maybe that was because we worked behind the scenes with faculty, rather than with students. In any case, I think you have a great deal there!

Can hardly wait to see you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, rats, my rich married boyfriend isn't going to give me the diamonds I was hoping for?

Foofa said...

Mom- Maybe it is because you were at a public university? Here, everything shuts down I would have to get special permission if I wanted to come to work.

Citizen- I know, right! I was totally expecting those too.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'll have to see if I can find out if the local private college community totally shuts down over winter break...

Ananda girl said...

Too funny! I had no idea that people that rich had to cut back, must be a sign of the hard times we are living in eh? But then, they are buying for multiples. Oh that my life was so tough!

commoncents said...

Great post here!

Would you like a Link Exchange with our new blog COMMON CENTS where we blog about the issues of the day?

Anonymous said...

Natalie, are you ever going to use this blog again? Just wondering...

Anonymous said...

Hey Natalie, you haven't blogged in 2 months. While I'm certain you are having a great time doing other things, I do miss it.

dmarks said...

From the above comment, has the blog been outsourced to China?

BB-Idaho said...

There are sugar daddies....and
nutrasweet daddies? :)

dmarks said...

Where oh where is your blog? The Lewis/News Revolution needs you.