Monday, March 31, 2008
Time for the reveal.
2. The fat is in the fire/ A fryer made of chicken wire/ Gettin sick and tired of a friggin liar. Crosshairs, Dangerdoom
4. You are a splendid butterfly/ It is your wings that make you beautiful/ And I could make you fly away/ But I could never make you stay. All My Little Words. Magnetic Fields.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I have actually been cooking a fair amount this week. I’ll share what I think was the most successful meal. As far as the pasta goes, for something in a cheese sauce it keeps very well. I know because I have been eating it at lunch more a good chunk of the week. For an even better reheating I put a little in a mini ramekin and covered it with parmesan to get a nice baked thing going for dinner one night. It certainly isn’t the most healthy of dishes but in small amounts it fit into my not eating horribly plans quite well and, like I said, lasted a really long time. Since the smoked gouda has such a strong flavor I didn’t need as much as I would for other cheese sauces I have made.
3tbsp butter
3tbsp flour
1 grated shallot
1 clove garlic pressed
3oz smoked gouda
3 cups skim milk
5oz frozen spinach cooked and drained
2 packets boca ground burger (I could have done without this but Tony wanted it and it added a nice boost of protein so it wasn’t a bad addition)
Salt and pepper to taste
It’s just your typical cheese sauce preparation and would go well with any pasta but I used whole wheat rotini.
Melt the butter, add the shallot and garlic, stir in the flour, let it cook together for a min or so, add the milk, stir until the flour mixture is dissolved, add the cheese, add the boca meat, spinach, and seasonings, let it thicken.
So go with it I made the most delicious bean dish I have had in quite a long time. They complimented each other very well
1 can small white beans
1 can whole tomatoes each tomato cut in thirds
1 zucchini
3tbsp fresh basil
1tbsp lemon zest
Juice form ½ lemon
2 shallot diced
1 clove garlic pressed
.5 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Saute shallot and garlic in the olive oil, add everything except the basil, let cook about 5-7 min or until zucchini is soft, add 2tbsp basil and adjust seasoning if needed, let cook for a few more minutes, serve with a light dusting of freshly grated parmesan and the rest of the basil as garnish
Tony isn’t usually excited about eating beans. He'll do it but without enthusiasm. He was LOVING these
1. You had all of them on your side/ Didn’t you/ Didn’t you/ You believed in all your lies/ Didn’t you/ Didn’t you. Ruiner, NIN. Identified by Brooke.
2. The fat is in the fire/ A fryer made of chicken wire/ Gettin sick and tired of a friggin liar
3. Three hits to the heart son/ And it's poetry in motion/ One can send you down the river/ Three's a strange way to be delivered. Three Hits. Identified by Citizen of the World
4. You are a splendid butterfly/ It is your wings that make you beautiful/ And I could make you fly away/ But I could never make you stay
5. You can't hide/ Behind your social graces/ Don't try/To be all touchy feely. As Is, Ani. Identified by Brooke.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The April issue of Money is filled with exciting articles like How to Pay Zero Taxes, Smart Moves in a Mean Economy, and Steer Clear of the New Gold Rush. Only a year ago I would have not even thought about reading a magazine like this but, now that it is my job, I can’t wait to go through this thing cover to cover. I’m certainly not the pinnacle of financial knowledge but being good at my job is important to me and I like learning. I’m actually going to start working on my certification to become a financial planner during the summer quarter. Who would have thunk it? I’m a firm believer in teaching what I do and I know I have some work to do in order to get my financial house in ideal shape but knowing how to do that is important.
Oh, potentially important news for people is this FICO ’08 thing that the credit bureaus are rolling out. It won’t make huge changes for most people but the big thing is that if anyone is/has an authorized user on a credit account that information will no longer factor into the authorized users credit history. Many people add family to their cards to bring up bad credit or create non-existent credit. Once this plan is actually implemented, that "piggybacked" credit information will drop off reports. Seems some people with good credit have essentially renting their credit out and people with bad scores are paying to be added as authorized users to help them improve their score. Apparently privacy laws make it impossible to tell who is family and who is a scammer so all authorized users are going to lose the benefit. Joint users, however will have see no change. This is a big thing for a lot of the students I work with who are authorized users on their parent’s cards.
On another topic, my iPod has gone crazy and has started to play albums out of order. It doesn’t always bother me but I certainly won’t be listening to Dark Side of the Moon anytime soon.
1. You had all of them on your side/ Didn’t you/ Didn’t you/ You believed in all your lies/ Didn’t you/ Didn’t you
2. I’m in a crisis/ I need help/ Come on mood shift/ Shift back to good again. Heimsdalsgate Like a Promethian Curse, Of Montreal. Identified by Monica
3. Rose/ I’m feeling older/ I was lucky/ Like a four leaf clover. Razzle Dazzle Rose, Camera Obscura. Identified by Janna
4. I am just a poor boy/ Though my story’s seldom told/ I have squandered my resistance/ For a pocket full of mumbles/Such are promises. The Boxer, Simon and Garfunkle. Identified by Chatty Knitter
5. 50 years they’ve been married/ They can’t wait for their 51st to roll around/ Yeah, roll around. 51st Anniversary, Jimi Hendrix. Identified by Jamie
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
This isn’t the first time I have heard of criminals leaving numbers. The fool who stole my sister’s cello was also a number leaver. After he stole the cello he brought it to a music resale shop. The merchant had a pretty good idea that the instrument was stolen so he gave the guy $50 and said they would call him when they found a buyer. The shop was right down the street from their apartment building (yes this fool lived in the same building as my sister) so it was one of the first places she checked. She came away with her instrument, and the name and number of this fool. She promptly called the police to press charges. Even if she hadn’t pressed charges the state would have because it turns out cellos are expensive and the amount was large enough for the state to prosecute.
I guess the moral of these stories is a simple one. If you plan to go around robbin folks don’t leave a number.
1. The Bloom/ The Swoon/ The Sugars on your block/ The Planets land in flesh in the corners of New York. Nickel Bags, Digable Planets. Identified by Monica
2. I want you/ I want you so bad/ I want you/ I want you so bad/ It’s driving me mad. I Want You/She's So Heavy, The Beatles. Identified by Mom.
3. Blue moon/ You saw me standing alone/ Without a dream in my heart/ Without a love of my own. Blue Moon, Identified by Mom. This version happened to be Billie Holiday but there are so many it doesn't really matter.
4. Sit around and watch the tube but nothing’s on/ Change the channels for an hour or two. Longview, Green Day. Identified by Danielle
5. You had all of them on your side/ Didn’t you/ Didn’t you/ You believed in all your lies/ Didn’t you/ Didn’t you
Wow, my iPod must have intuited that songs were getting a little obscure. These should be a breeze.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Other than watching skating I had a pretty calm weekend. Tony was working a lot so I really got to take it easy. We did have time for a few movies though, Bee Movie and No Country for Old Men. I enjoyed them both. Bee Movie was technically pretty horrible but there were some nice messages in there, like we all exploit each other for the good of the world. An odd message for a children’s film but an interesting one. As far as No Country For Old Men is concerned, I didn’t see the other nominated films but this one was pretty freaking good. It left me with one question though, who came up with the idea for a silencer for a shotguns. It’s just evil.
Lyrics reveal
1. Identity/ Identity is the crisis you can’t see/ Identity/ Identity. Identity X-Ray Spex
2. Did I/ See a moment/ With you/ In a half-lit world. Mourning Air, Portishead
3. Ghost, ghost I know you live within me/ Feel as you fly/ In thunderclouds above the city/ Into one that I. Ghost, Neutral Milk Hotel
4. I’m tired of wasting gas living above the planet/ Mister show me the way to earth/ The boys from quadrant 44 with their vicious metal hounds don’t come round here no more. Ballad of Maxwell Demon, Shudder to Think
5. Downtown/ We’ll drown/ We’re in our never splendor/ Flowers/ Showers/ Who’s got the new boy gender. I’ll Tumble For You, Culture Club.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
It’s the happiest time of the Figure Skating Year! It’s World Championship time. Events will air as follows:
- Tonight: 7:30-11 Pairs short & long and the Original Dance on ESPN
- Friday: 7:30-11 Ladies short & Free Dance on ESPN
- Saturday 3-6 Men’s Short and Ladies Long on ABC
- Sunday 4:30-7 Men’s Long ESPN
I am super excited and here’s my rundown.
Men’s: The best event in Skating.
From what I hear Evan Lysachek (US champ) is out with an injury, US almost champ Johnny Weir could certainly be in the running for a medal. As usual the men’s field is deep and depending on how everyone skates it could go a number of ways. French powerhouse Brian Joubert but he has been sick and looked awful at the European championships. Swiss champ Stephan Lambiel has had a rough season. Czech and European champ, Tomas Verner, has been skating very well and could certainly be a contender. However, I’m going to predict this one goes to Daiske Takahashi of
Ladies: What people think is the best event in skating
This is going to be a rough one for the
Pairs: Can the Chinese reign be broken?
In this event I’m putting it all on German Pair Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy. I absolutely love them and I don’t think a person of African descent has ever stood atop the World Podium. I gotta cheer for the Brother. Not to mention that they are absolutely fantastic, innovative, and all around awesome. The Zhang’s and Pang and Tong of China will probably put up a good fight but don’t count out the upcoming Russians and Dube and Davidson of Canada (you may remember them from the amazing blade to the face spin injury of a few seasons past it's just below if you want to see it again).
Dance: It’s almost gotten interesting again
I don’t know or care enough about dance to put too much into this category. Belbin and Augusto will probably be the best chance the
1. Identity/ Identity is the crisis you can’t see/ Identity/ Identity
2. Did I/ See a moment/ With you/ In a half-lit world
3. Ghost, ghost I know you live within me/ Feel as you fly/ In thunderclouds above the city/ Into one that I
4. I’m tired of wasting gas living above the planet/ Mister show me the way to earth/ The boys from quadrant 44 with their vicious metal hounds don’t come round here no more.
5. Downtown/ We’ll drown/ We’re in our never splendor/ Flowers/ Showers/ Who’s got the new boy gender
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

So the other night I had this dream that Monica, Patrick (who is Monica’s friend and I have never met but have seen pictures of), and I were playing on this playground after winning some crazy boat race or something. That part of the dream is a little fuzzy. Patrick in the dream didn’t look like Patrick in real life; he looked more like Phillip Seymour Hoffman, which is very funny because it is almost the exact opposite of real Patrick. Anyway we had this tent thing that we draped over a round climby thing on the playground and were playing fort. Fort rules.
So we are in our fort having an awesome time when this little kid comes in. The kid’s dad is standing on the sidelines of the playground watching. The kid looks up at us and asks how old we are. I say 28, Monica says 29, and Patrick says 30 (I have no idea how old he really is). The kid looks at us and says, “Oh, that’s old. I’m 4. What are you doing in this fort?” We just looked at the kid and then at each other and packed up in shame. Then some other strange dream type stuff happened that I don’t remember. I think that the remembered part was the important part though.
The thing was my dream kind of hurt my feelings. I mean sure, I like to play around but I think my friends and I are fine examples of people in their late 20s. We have jobs, we pay rent, we function as adults, and we are generally accepted to be grown type folks. So what if we like forts? Who doesn’t? Just cause we don’t have kids of our own to play fort with doesn’t mean we should be shut out from playing. Play is important. Anyway, I’m mad at my dream.
1. Identity/ Identity is the crisis you can’t see/ Identity/ Identity
2. Did I/ See a moment/ With you/ In a half-lit world
3. Ghost, ghost I know you live within me/ Feel as you fly/ In thunderclouds above the city/ Into one that I
4. I’m tired of wasting gas living above the planet/ Mister show me the way to earth/ The boys from quadrant 44 with their vicious metal hounds don’t come round here no more.
5. Downtown/ We’ll drown/ We’re in our never splendor/ Flowers/ Showers/ Who’s got the new boy gender
Monday, March 17, 2008
Well I am back in the land of the living and still have no idea why I was out. I can’t say I feel 100% because I would be lying but I have made it through half of a workday and I am pretty sure that I will make it through the rest just fine. If I am still feeling off in the head by mid-week I’m calling the dr. again.
Needless to say things have been pretty uneventful since my last post. My bloodwork was perfect. I guess that is good to know but since I felt imperfect I was kind of hoping for some validation and tangible illness. I did run a fever on Friday, which was my first measurable symptom and I was very excited about that. I watched a bunch of movies, many of which helped to confirm that I was not feeling well. Can I just say how much I LOVED The Gameplan! Yes, that is the movie where The Rock is a football player and his unknown daughter appears on his doorstep. Man did it ever make me cry. Then again, every movie makes me cry. I can’t really remember the last movie I watched that didn’t get me a little choked up.
I did manage to go to the grocery store on Sunday and made a delicious fruit salad. Even though it isn’t Friday I feel like sharing food stuffs cause it’s all I got.
- 1 container strawberries, halved (obviously Monica was not coming over)
- 1 container blueberries
- 2 pluots chopped
- 2 nectarines chopped
- 3 kiwi chopped
- 2 banana chopped
It would have been great just like that but during my time confined to my bed I saw this lady, whose name I never remember but she is the Healthy eating lady with short dark hair and blue eyes, make the best looking fruit salad dressing ever so I had to have a fruit salad. I now want to put this dressing on everything because I haven’t had anything so yummy in a long time
- 2 tbsp honey
- Zest of one lime
- Juice of one lime
Stir and put on EVERYTHING
1. Identity/ Identity is the crisis you can’t see/ Identity/ Identity
2. Did I/ See a moment/ With you/ In a half-lit world
3. Ghost, ghost I know you live within me/ Feel as you fly/ In thunderclouds above the city/ Into one that I
4. I’m tired of wasting gas living above the planet/ Mister show me the way to earth/ The boys from quadrant 44 with their vicious metal hounds don’t come round here no more.
5. Downtown/ We’ll drown/ We’re in our never splendor/ Flowers/ Showers/ Whose got the new boy gender
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I feel very strange. I don’t know what is wrong with me but I think something is. I am not one for hypochondria but I just can’t explain what I have going on here. I feel like I am on some kind of mild hallucinogen or something. All of a sudden my head got really light and things just kept turning slightly to the right in an upward direction. I don’t know why but every time I try to look at something stationary it won’t keep still. It is even going on when my eyes were closed. I thought maybe I was just hungry so I ate my lunch. I am still feeling crazy. The only thing I ate today that I don’t eat all the time was a life savers mint. I highly doubt it was laced with anything. I really don’t know what to do but I think functioning like this will be very difficult. I am on my lunch break now and am hoping that it will just stop as suddenly as it started. What the heck! Maybe I am dying.
1. Jenny said that when she was just five years old. There was nothing happening at all/ Every time she puts on the radio/ There was nothing going down at all. Rock and Roll, Velvet Underground. Identified by Jamie.
2. Identity/ Identity is the crisis you can’t see/ Identity/ Identity
3. Finished with my woman cause she couldn’t help me with my life/ people think I’m insane because I am browning all the time. Paranoid, Black Sabbath. Identified by Jason.
4. When I wake up early in the morning/ Lift my head/ I’m still yawning. I'm Only Sleeping. The Beatles. Identified by Jamie
5. Did I/ See a moment/ With you/ In a half-lit world
Monday, March 10, 2008
I had an utterly exhausting weekend full of stuff and things. To most people it would have been a relatively low key weekend. Oh how I love my extreme debilitating INFPness.
Friday after work I headed over to Monica’s office to meet her for dinner and Be Kind Rewind. We had a lovely meal at a Mexican joint called Su Casa that we never go to because it is right next to Grand Lux and we felt it would be overpriced. It was pretty standard dining out Mexican food priced. We even ordered marguerites, which is unusual because usually we are all about being hella cheap. It was nice to eat like regular adults. While we were there we discussed how I only have three friends I see on a regular basis and one of them is Tony. This leaves me with Monica and Dave. It isn’t that I don’t like my other friends; I like them quite a bit. However, seeing Dave once a week and Monica about once every other week give or take, and Tony all the time more than satisfies my need for human interaction. This, coupled with my laziness, means that I love seeing my other friends but it doesn’t happen all that often. She then wondered why it was that she has like 20 friends who she sees semi-regularly and still feels like she doesn’t’ have enough friends. I had no answer, the thought of the stress of seeing so many people just made me want to curl up on my couch and I had a movie to see. The movie was plenty entertaining, the end was a little on the cheesy overdone side but it was still fine.
Saturday was a day that most people would say was full of absolutely nothing. Tony slept late so I watched some TV and messed around with the computer. Then we went out to Diner to eat food, then we went to the grocery store, then we cleaned the fish tank (those poor little guys needed it so bad) and installed a new heater, then we watched Torchwood (which is totally awesome) and had some dinner. I think we might have read some as well. It was, as you can see, incredibly busy.
Sunday was even busier! We got up and made some breakfast and then decided that since we had a nice clean fish tank that we possibly needed more fish to go in it. We headed to the fish store up the street only to find that it was closed and they are also having a going out of business sale. We saw a bus coming and decided to hop on it to go to a fish store up in They didn’t have any fish we particularly wanted, which was a bummer because we really wanted some fish. They did have a Sugar Glider and I immediately wanted to take it home forever but it was like $285 and that wasn’t happening. After the fish store we decided to go for a walk and ended up walking back to
So my point is that if I do ANYTHING it seems like a whole lot of action. I’m totally exhausted today but we’ll say it is because of the daylights savings thing because if that lame nothing weekend made me this tired there is no hope for me at all.
Time for the reveal of last weeks songs.
1. Close my eyes/ feel me now/ I don’t know how you could not love me now
2. Elephant wields the rod/ While the donkey throws you the bone/ I'd rather have a bone than a beating I suppose/ Either way still the dog
3. Silver birch against a Swedish sky/ The singer in the band made me want to cry/ We're all inside our own heads now/ We are leaving new friends/ We are leaving this town
4. When I had you to myself/ I didn’t want you around/ Those pretty faces always made you stand out in a crowd
5. So they say I was sometimes cruel/ I don’t know if I would say that too/ oh I/ I don’t know about that. Sixteen, Le Tigre
Friday, March 07, 2008
One thing I have learned from my last post is that unfounded theories that are known to be based on vast generalizations will inevitably cause more legitimate realizations to surface. I find this to be fascinating. Recently I was reading an article about poop. Why was I doing this? Because Tony and I thought it would be funny to google poop and see what came up. Yes, I realize this makes us seven.
One of the sites full of fun facts about poop tackled the question of wiping. Apparently, most people wipe sitting down and a much smaller number of people prefer to stand and wipe. There seems to be no difference in gender. It just struck me as strange that people do this very common thing in such different ways. Why is this? I guess people learn from their parents and that the percentage of standers and sitters would remain relatively constant throughout generations. I didn’t research this it is just an idea.
I don’t know much about wiping habits of others and I don’t particularly wish to discuss my wiping habits. I don’t want to read comments about peoples wiping habits. I assume most people feel the same way. I guess the question then becomes why did I post about it? That would be a valid question. The answer is simply that it was on my mind and I didn’t know what else to write about. Plus, it’s yet another thing that I believe is learned at home and that impacts the life of a person. And maybe, just maybe, someone will know actual real facts about the subject.
1. Close my eyes/ feel me now/ I don’t know how you could not love me now
2. Elephant wields the rod/ While the donkey throws you the bone/ I'd rather have a bone than a beating I suppose/ Either way still the dog
3. Silver birch against a Swedish sky/ The singer in the band made me want to cry/ We're all inside our own heads now/ We are leaving new friends/ We are leaving this town
4. When I had you to myself/ I didn’t want you around/ Those pretty faces always made you stand out in a crowd
5. So they say I was sometimes cruel/ I don’t know if I would say that too/ oh I/ I don’t know about thaT
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Writing about my mix and seeing people’s responses made me think about the kind of music I like and why I like it (other than the fact that it is awesome). I learned a lot about music from my parents. This has led me to assume that many people are influenced greatly by their parent’s musical tastes which are, in turn, influenced by their parent’s musical taste and so on and so forth in perpetuity. Therefore, I wonder, does music skip a generation?
I also assume (erroneously but not entirely so) that musical taste solidifies between the formative years that I will label as being between the ages of sixteen and twenty. Granted, there will be much loved bands that come into ones life after that age but I postulate that the new bands will not greatly contradict the sensibilities of the aforementioned formative bands.
Now, I don’t know exactly how old my parents are. I am ashamed to admit this because they both read this blog and I have seriously condemned myself. You would think I could just figure it out based on the years they were born but as I do not know those either I am screwed. I do know, however, what their birthdays are and approximately when their anniversary is and that I love them very much so they’ll have to just accept that. I’ll just say they are in their early to mid 50s and were, therefore, born in the mid to late 50s meaning their formative musical years were in the late 60s and early 70s, which was arguably one of the greatest times for music ever.
I love music from that era. The kids I grew up with loved music from that era. My current friends love music from that era. Naturally, I assumed that everyone loved music from that era. However, while having a conversation with one of my student workers I found out that I was mistaken. My student did not love music from that era. What was even more shocking to me was that the student knew next to nothing about music from that era. I mentioned a bunch of big name groups to get some kind of reaction; The Beatles, Hendrix, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin (who i never heard in my house but many of my peers heard in theirs), various Motown groups…you know the stuff. The thing is that this student didn’t. All he could say was “I’ve heard of some of them but I don’t really know any of their music”.
I love my student workers, every last one of them, but I didn’t know what to say. I felt like there was a huge chasm that had suddenly formed between us. How can you not know what Hendrix played? What do you mean you have never heard The White Album? You can imagine how I kept trying to find things they knew and continued to fail. It made me wonder if I was a total freak. I decided that was not the case and there had to be another reason.
I know people have children at all different ages. According to the most recent data I could find in one quick Google search 25 is the average age for a first time parent (2004) and that was a high. Since I’m talking about people who are currently 18-22 and were born in the late 80s (gosh that makes me feel old) I’m guessing the average age of their parent was about 23, just cause. That means they were born between 63 and 67 making their musical formative years fall in the early to mid 80s and they are now in their early to mid forties. Therefore these kids grew up listening to Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, and the like. My students knew who all those people were. They also didn’t know jack about early 90s music. They were too young to really care and it either didn’t jive with the formative sensibilities of their 80s entrenched parents. Thus, i have proved that music skips a generation.
I realize that this proof is full of assumptions and holes but what do you expect from a blog post? I’m not saying my students can’t appreciate the music my folks taught me to love. They just haven’t had the chance to be exposed to it. Now that they know me (and I have music in my office all the time) they have a better chance of expanding their musical knowledge and I am doing my best to make sure that it happens.
1. Close my eyes/ feel me now/ I don’t know how you could not love me now
2. Elephant wields the rod/ While the donkey throws you the bone/ I'd rather have a bone than a beating I suppose/ Either way still the dog
3. Silver birch against a Swedish sky/ The singer in the band made me want to cry/ We're all inside our own heads now/ We are leaving new friends/ We are leaving this town
4. When I had you to myself/ I didn’t want you around/ Those pretty faces always made you stand out in a crowd
5. So they say I was sometimes cruel/ I don’t know if I would say that too/ oh I/ I don’t know about that