Thursday, January 04, 2007


Lately I’ve been stuck on the super familiar. This is strange because even though I am a big time homebody I still like to try new things. New movies, foods, books, games, you know stuff that is new but doesn’t involve me gallivanting around town. Not that I don’t enjoy a good gallivant every once in a while but that isn’t the point. I am wondering why the familiar things are so comforting and good to me.

It would make sense if I were having a rough time or going through some major change in life. Nothing like that is the case. I am probably at one of the calmest and routine parts of my life so far. Maybe it is because I have just gotten too lazy to look for new things. I hear about them here and there. Sometimes I try them. It has been easier to go for old faithfuls lately.

In my book bag is Dune. I have read this book, uh, like, well, 6 times at least. This is not counting the times I randomly picked it up for an hour or so here and there and started it just for no reason. I took it with me to Minneapolis because I needed something small to fit in my purse for the plane. The question is, why am I still reading it? Maybe it’s because it is good? A valid reason, but I think there is more to it.

This morning while on my way to work I decided to listen to Tommy. Now I spent years and years listening to this record. I haven’t so much since college but this morning something told me I had to listen to Tommy and I did. I plan to listen to the second album on my way home. Again, the question is why? Maybe it’s because it is good? Again, a valid reason, but I think there is more to it.

Maybe it has something to do with the whole growing up stuff that's in the back of my head. These items are certainly staples of my youth. Maybe it's because I don’t know where I’m going but I do know where I’ve been and that will always remain constant and reliable. Maybe it is because both remind me of home and I just had a good time at home. Maybe it is because although I have been there many times, they always make me reevaluate perceptions and angles. Maybe it’s because it is good.

The Beautiful Ones, Prince- there was this guy at the Alumni Club that would always sing this song. I don’t remember if he sang well or not. I do remember that he got all down on the floor screaming and it was incredibly entertaining, the first few times.

Disarm, Smashing Pumpkins- The Smashing Pumpkins reportedly have a new album coming out. I think maybe 2007 will be the year of the comeback. It grooves with my whole stuck on the familiar thing. Rocky Balboa, Indiana Jones IV, Rambo IV, Beverly Hills Cop IV, new Dr. Dre (I bet it will be awesome), new Guns n’ Roses, New Michael Jackson. If people are feeling like me the success of these reemergences are all a pretty sure thing.

Tender, Blur- I could write an entire post about this song and all the people/places it makes me think of but I’ll only go with two. Monica and Natalie singing down Belmont and Friend in Jules talking about listening to this song in Jules with her ex. Both were important moments in very different ways.


thethinker said...

I've always been stuck on the familiar. It's rare that I'll experiment with new things unless someone I know well assures me that it's good in some way. I don't know why I'm like that. As you say, it's most likely because the stuff I already know is good. It'll do just fine for the here and now.

Mrs. Loquacious said...

I have watched Anne of Green Gables a thousand times, plus I've read the book a few times over. But you know, I pull it out every so often and watch it again. Sometimes familiar things are just nice, predictable, and comforting. Enjoy them! =)

Michael C said...

I rarely try nwe things too. Oddly, the old things are still exciting to me.

ShadowFalcon said...

I LOVE dune, but why oh why do the sequels suck?

hope things get less familiar...

Anonymous said...

Oh, man. Maybe you should write a whole post about Tender. It's certainly worthy. That song always makes me think of Matt Briggs. And the kiss on the cheek gone horribly wrong.

Traveling Matt said...

Aw, singing Tender on Belmont...

Dude, part of it for me is nostalgia (the reason I rent What's Happening from netflix, watch The Head on youtube, and wear Ponys sneakers, and why we listen to so much 90s) and part of it is that you can't go wrong with what you already know.

For real though, why do I love the Grateful Dead so much? Why do we love 60s rock so much? That isn't even our rightful nostalgia. But damn if it isn't good.

Anonymous said...

Monica - Yeah, why do you love the Grateful Dead so much??

Interestingly, we didn't have any Grateful Dead music at our house until Natalie brought some home...

Foofa said...

Thinker- I don't knw you just asked a bunch of people about books, that is something new.

Mrs. L- One of the new things I tried was Katamari Damacy because I read about it on your blog. LOVE IT.

Michael- Yeah old things still excite me too, maybe it is because my memory sucks.

Shadow- I got through the first 3 books but by four it was just too silly. I just got my Dad the most recent one for x-mas. I don't get it.

Brooke- Yeah maybe but it would be full of sappy horror, then again....

Monica- Good times. I don't know why we love 60s nostalgia so much. Maybe because we're nerds

Mom- You leave my friend alone.

Anonymous said...

Very nice post, Natalie. My daughter is the same way. I wonder if it's a reaction to the pace of things and the desensitization required to take in popular movies and entertainment without crumbling. Don't know...but you've given me something to think about.